Paul Orzeske
CEO, Jensen Hughes
Advancing the Science of Safety
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Jeff Kayce
SVP Managing Director, Bozzuto Development Company.
The Development Process—College Park Southern Gateway Redevelopment
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Petter Emmons
Founder & CEO, The Structural Group.
The Continuum of Education: How Career-Long Learning Can Fill the Gap between College Education and Career Success
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Nigel Wilson
Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Using Smart Data and Complementary Data to Improve Public Transport Systems
Craig H. Benson
Professor and Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director of Sustainability Research & Education, Co-Director of the Office of Sustainability, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Infusing Sustainability into Civil Engineering Design: Value Proposition for Society and Engineering Practice
Charles M. Vest
President, National Academy of Engineering; President Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Why Engineering Education and Research Matter in the 21st Century
G. Wayne Clough
Secretary, Smithsonian Institute
Nancy Love
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univesity of Michigan
At the Confluence: Nutrients, Trace Chemicals and Sustainability in the Urban Water Sector
Chip Hastie
Vice President, Clark Construction
Long Beach Courthouse: Influence of Performance Based Infrastructure on the Design-Build Process
Douglas M. Chapin
Fellow, American Nuclear Society; Principal, MPR Associates Inc.
Overview of Fukushima Daiichi Events – Technology, Chronology, Damage, Current Conditions, and Lessons Learned
Stewart G. Walesh
Distinguished Member, American Society of Civil Engineers
Enhancing Engineers’ Creativity and Innovation: A Whole-Brain Approach
King W. Gee
Associate Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
Highway Transportation Trends and Challenges for the Engineer
Ed Hoffman
Director, NASA Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership, NASA
Developing Project Competence
David A. Dzombak
Walter J. Blenko, Sr. University Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Faculty Director, Steinbrenner Institute for Environmental Education & Research, Carnegie Mellon University
Geologic Sequestration of CO2: Evaluating and Monitoring Seal Rock Integrity
Charles H. Thornton
Founding Principal, STRAAM LLC.; Chairman, Charles H. Thornton and Company LLC; Chairman, Thornton Termohlen Group Inc.
Structural Engineering: This Engineer’s Look into the Future
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Russel L. Fuhrman
Senior Vice President, Parsons Brinckerhoff; Executive Project Manager, Potomac Crossing Consultants
Challenges of MEGA Project Program Management