Research team develops breakthrough technique to combat cancer drug resistance, three professors awarded NIH R01 grants in as many months, postdoc recognized for early colon cancer detection research, Scarcelli helps develop technology to deliver images of birth defect as it happens; Plus, department stats and additional feature stories.
Researchers develop blood test to help doctors diagnose schizophrenia, Stroka lab draws new connections between brain environment and breast cancer metastasis, Jewell lab develops new technologies to drive next-generation therapies for multiple sclerosis, BIOE graduate student awarded Lemelson-MIT student prize; Plus, department stats and additional research features.
Jewell lab makes strides in multiple sclerosis research, Jay lab works toward engineering extracellular vesicles as next-generation biotherapeutics; First 3D bioprinted placenta model for study of preeclampsia created; Plus, department news and additional research features (12 pages).
Arming the immune system to fight cancer, researchers achieve breakthrough in 3D printing for heart implants, Sikorski named a 2014-2015 Philip Merrill
Presidential Scholar, Tostanoski receives NSF graduate research fellowship, and more!
Cover Story: A Breakthrough in Nanoprecision Imaging. Plus: Jay joins faculty, Bentley and Payne author Perspectives column for Science, entrepreneurship updates, an abundance of undergraduate and graduate fellowships, alumnus developing a new burn diagnostic technique, Capstone, and more!
Cover Story: Chen Bioimaging Research Wins NSF Career Award. Plus: New diagnostic and imaging devices, Canon and Deutsch support for BioE research, faculty promotions and honors, student awards, new Fischell Fellow, BioE-based startup companies, and more!
Cover Story: Professor Ian White receives NSF-CAREER Award. Plus: New faculty and faculty promotions, bioimaging devices, controlling the small, entrepreneurship, the Biochip Collabortive, Capstone, and more!
Cover Story: FDA Awards New Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation to UM. Plus: New partnership with Canon, bone regeneration, multicolor MRI, biophysical modeling of cardiovascular disease, promotions, 2011 Fischell Festival wrap-up, and more!
Cover Story: Professor Bruce Yu receives $1.8M grant for noninvasive bioimaging dye study. Plus: Professor Joonil Seog wins NSF-CAREER award, new collaborations, "bacterial dirigibles", tissue engineering, pocket change spectroscopy, entrepreneurship, innovative approaches to drug delivery, Capstone, student awards, and more!
Cover Story: BioE@UMD: Strong performance in new NRC rankings! Plus: Plasma for disinfection, inkjet SERS, student news, entrepreneurship, and more!
Cover Story: Five new faculty members! Plus: Big grants and partnerships, 2010 Fischell Festival, SBEC 26, Capstone II, student awards, new research, REU program joins forces with the FDA, education news, and entrepreneurship.
Cover Story: Bioengineering Undergraduates Dominate National Bioethics Essay Contest. Plus: New grants, fantastic research, student and faculty news, a Fischell Festival recap, 2009 Capstone senior design projects, and scholarships.
Cover Story: Fisher Presents Findings at Maryland Stem Cell Symposium. Plus: Student and faculty news, new research, optical mini-tweezers, using a virus for good, and an interview with undergraduate John Lin.
Cover Story: New Bioengineering Wing Unveiled in the Kim Building. Plus: Student and faculty news, new faculty, new research, senior Capstone projects, the 2nd Annual Fischell Festival recap, Fischell Fellow Marc Dandin, and the Great Expectations campaign.
Cover Story: $2 Million NSF Grant for Bacterial Communication Project. Plus: Student and faculty news, new faculty, the 1st Annual Fischell Festival recap, and the Great Expectations campaign.
Cover Story: Fischell Family Donates $31M to Create Bioengineering Department. Plus: Student and faculty news, new faculty profiles, research features, our new staff, and more!
Cover Story: Bioengineering Continues Rapid Growth. Plus: 2005 Fischell Fellow Matt Dowling, Kim Building Dedication, student profiles, appointments and promotions, and faculty news.