Online Giving

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Gifts by Check

Gifts may be made by check to "University of Maryland College Park Foundation (UMCPF)." Please designate "Fischell Department of Bioengineering" in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to:
Dr. John P. Fisher
Fischell Department of Bioengineering
A. James Clark Hall, Room 4102
8278 Paint Branch Drive
University of Maryland
College Park, MD  20742


Support a Specific Research Area

  • Host-Pathogen Interactions: Works in Progress: The Host- Pathogen Interactions program immerses students in interdisciplinary host-pathogen research, striving to integrate advances in pathogenesis with genomics, bioinformatics and engineering. Their training program has strong translational research compotent, as trainees interact not only with experts in their own research area, but with scientists in other disciplines, such as computer sciences, bioengineering, and environmental sciences.
  • Jewell Research Lab: The goal of the Jewell lab is to combine bioengineering, nanotechnology, and immunology to develop more effective and less toxic therapies for cancer and autoimmunity. Some of the diseases we are focused on include multiple sclerosis, skin cancer, and neuroblastoma – a devastating pediatric cancer. To support these goals, our research is carried out in three areas: 1) understanding the interactions between synthetic materials and immune tissues, 2) designing new materials that help generate immune responses with specific characteristics, and 3) translating our advances to therapeutic vaccines for cancer and autoimmune diseases. We have a motivated and talented team of postdoctoral scientists, graduate students, and undergraduate researchers with backgrounds in bioengineering, immunology, chemical engineering, and molecular biology. Along with our research efforts, we are committed to research education, science awareness, and mentoring. The inter-disciplinary nature of the biomaterials and immune research we conduct creates opportunities to engage students and community members. Building on this idea, our lab leads a variety of outreach activities and partnerships. We have worked with more than 350 high school students, held service events in the community to support and build awareness for pediatric cancer research, and provided training in scientific leadership and mentoring to more than 70 undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral scientists. We're lucky to be in a fantastic and supportive setting and look forward to continuing our work. If you’d like to support us please considering donating, or contact us with questions or to visit the lab and learn about our efforts firsthand.
  • William E. Bentley Fund for Translational Research: In honor of Dr. Bentley’s service as Founding Chair of the Fischell Department of Bioengineering, the William E. Bentley Fund for Translational Research has been established to support student research, travel, and professional development efforts in translational research.