The Bioengineering Graduate Program offers research and educational opportunities leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree, Master of Science (M.S.) degree, and the Master of Engineering (M.Eng) degree. In cooperation with the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the Bioengineering Graduate Program also offers the combined Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Philosophy (M.D./Ph.D.) and Doctor of Medicine/Master of Science (M.D./M.S.) degree programs..
All students in the Bioengineering Graduate Program are subject to both departmental and Graduate School policies and requirements. This handbook should serve as a ready-reference and is not meant to replace advising and mentoring, which should take place between students and their advisors on a regular basis. Students are urged to refer to the Graduate School’s Graduate Catalog for details on policies referenced here and for additional information.
A. James Clark Hall

Graduate Program Contact

Room 3102F A. James Clark Hall