A Message from the BGSS President
To the new graduate students joining us in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering, welcome! I’d like to introduce you to the Bioengineering Graduate Student Society (BGSS), a student-led organization that orchestrates a variety of events all year-round. Our events provide academic support, facilitate professional development, encourage socialization, and create opportunities for community outreach for the BIOE graduate students. We have also recently appointed a Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, to spearhead new diversity initiatives within the department.
With the recent limitations on in-person activities, BGSS is working hard to adapt our events to a virtual setting to maintain safety while still encouraging community building. Some exciting events and activities to look forward to this year include our annual department retreat and holiday party, our high school mentorship program (PEPR), and helpful workshops for proposals and dissertations. We also hold bi-weekly “research and pizza” (RAP) events for graduate students to refine their presentation skills. Additionally, our alumni occasionally join us for webinars to provide invaluable insight on searching for jobs and life after graduate school.
With all these exciting events, there is plenty to look forward to this upcoming year!
Aaron Sorrin
BGSS President