To new graduate students just joining us, welcome to the Fischell Department of Bioengineering and to the Bioengineering Graduate Student Society (BGSS)! 

BGSS is a student-led organization dedicated to putting on events that foster academic growth, professional development, and a collaborative community. Join us for events all year round -- there is something for everybody!

A handful of events BGSS hosts include a biweekly Research and Pizza (RAP) to help students hone their presentation skills, 'Donuts and Dissertations' and 'Pancakes and Proposals' to help guide students through the milestones of the program, our department-wide retreat and holiday party, and our high school mentorship program (PEPR). We also host panels with alumni in academia and industry to help prepare for life after graduate school and plenty of ice cream socials and happy hours to help get to that finish line. 

Looking forward to an exciting new school year!

All the best,

Micaela Everitt
BGSS President

