Advancing next generation transportation infrastructure, systems, and technology

CEE's transportation engineering group offers world-class research facilities and leading experts with strong ties to industry and government agencies. The department is home to the largest transportation big data and data analytics center in the country as well as one of five U.S.. Department of Transportation-designated University National Transportation Centers. 

Active research areas include: 

  • Air, rail, and marine transportation operations
  • Connected and automated vehicles
  • Multimodal transportation operations
  • Traffic management and control
  • Traffic modeling and simulation
  • Transportation system policy and planning
  • Transportation data science
  • Travel demand modeling
  • Travel choice analysis

Institutes, Centers, and Labs

When in launches in April 2018, the Maryland Transportation Institute will be an interdisciplinary research and innovation hub with expertise in engineering, planning, policy, public health, business, information, social, and behavioral sciences, and more. 

The Bridge Engineering Software and Technology Center was established in 1986 to develop bridge-related technology. Through onsite testing and laboratory projects, the center has accumulated years of experience and knowledge related to bridges.

Explore the center.

The Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT) at the University of Maryland was created to respond to the significant changes brought about by the increasing use of advanced technologies in the transportation field. CATT provides a bridge between the intelligent transportation systems community, the information technology community, and other disciplines essential to the successful application of ITS. 

Explore the center

The Maryland Transportation Technology Transfer Center works to foster a safe, efficient, and environmentally sound surface transportation system by improving skills and increasing knowledge of the transportation workforce and decision makers.

Explore the center.

The National Transportation Center at the University of Maryland is one of the five national centers selected in a nationwide competition and the only one with a focus on the U.S. Department of Transportation strategic goal of "Economic Competitiveness." The center aims to promote strategic transportation policies, investments, and decisions that bring lasting and equitable economic benefits to the U.S. and its citizens.

Explore the center

The Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory (CATT Lab) is the largest transportation big data and data analytics center in the world. CATT Lab supports national, state, and local efforts to provide safe and efficient transportation systems through improved operations and management by means of research and development, technology implementation, training, and education. The lab's work spans many disciplines, including intelligent transportation systems, law enforcement, network security, private business, defense, and homeland security.

Learn more about the lab

The Traffic Safety and Operations Laboratory primarily focuses on the development and application of advanced technologies in contending with day-to-day congestion and improving traffic safety in highway networks.

Learn more about the lab


Ganglen Chang Gang-Len Chang

301-405-1953 |

Cirilo Cinzia Cinzia Cirillo

Associate Professor
301-405-6864 |


Ali Haghani Ali Haghani

301-405-1963 |

Paul Schonfeld Paul Schonfeld

301-405-1954 |


Lei Zhang Lei Zhang

301-405-2881 |

