Losert, Wolfgang
Professor of Physics
Director, Partnership for Integrative Cancer Research
Director, Partnership for Integrative Cancer Research
Fischell Department of Bioengineering
Institute for Physical Science and Technology
Brain and Behavior Institute
Institute for Physical Science and Technology
Brain and Behavior Institute
1147 Physical Sciences Complex
Dynamics of Living Systems: Our goal is to assess how the motion of individual cells and the collective dynamics of cell groups are affected by physical cues, in particular electric fields and the topography of the microenvironment.
Ph.D., City College of the City University of New York, 1998
Dynamics of Living Systems: Our goal is to assess how the motion of individual cells and the collective dynamics of cell groups are affected by physical cues, in particular electric fields and the topography of the microenvironment.
Spring 2023 Physics 132 - Physics for Life Scientists II