BIOE Seminar Series: Jacqueline Linnes (Purdue University)

Friday, September 11, 2020
9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Dr. Jenna Mueller

Join us for the Bioengineering Seminar Series, which connects experts from around the country with our faculty, students, and staff to discuss their recent findings. Everyone is welcome!

The Fall 2020 seminars will be held virtually on Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m., unless otherwise noted. All BIOE faculty, students, staff, postdocs, and affiliates as well as additional subscribers to our weekly seminars emails will receive Zoom event information the week of each seminar. 

If you do not yet receive our weekly seminars email and would like to subscribe to the listserv, or if there is a particular seminar listed below that you would like to attend, please email Emily Rosenthal


Dr. Jacqueline Linnes
Marta E Gross Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University

Molecular Diagnostics for the Extreme Points-of-Care

Over 90% of current point-of-care diagnostic tests still reside within hospital settings. How can we unlock these capabilities and make molecular diagnostics accessible to the patients around the world who need them most? I will discuss advances in technologies that will put point-of-care tests into the hands of primary care physicians and concerned citizens themselves in order to rapidly detect and monitor a wide range of diseases. These distributed sample-to-answer tests will require highly accurate, portable sensors with near foolproof operation and interpretation Critically, test developers require an understanding of the stakeholders and end-users of their technologies and the barriers to adoption and use. I will discuss research from my lab both developing microfluidic tests and reducing the barriers to their implementation in order to enable rapid diagnosis and real-time wearable monitoring anywhere in the world.

Audience: Public 

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