BIOE Seminar: A Journey from Engineering to Behavioral Science

Friday, September 9, 2022
9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Hybrid: A. James Clark Hall, Room 2121
Dr. Alisa Clyne

Elicia John
Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing 
American University

Navier Stokes to Prospect Theory: A Journey from Engineering to Behavioral Science

This event will be offered in a hybrid format. Login details will be sent to current BIOE faculty, affiliates, students, postdocs, and those who have previously asked to subscribe to our seminars listserv. If you do not currently receive our weekly seminars emails but you wish to attend this event, please email


A curiosity about the world and what makes it function can lead to many different career paths. This talk describes how this curiosity led to a career in engineering that evolved into behavioral science and several lessons learned along the way. Similar analytic reasoning techniques and modeling methods used to discern phenomena in the physical world may be leveraged to explore human decision making and address public policy issues from a unique vantage point. I will discuss how my career path from engineering to behavioral science motivates my current work, including projects that investigate racial disparities in American policing and biases that influence policy perceptions.

About the speaker 

Elicia John is a marketing professor and behavioral scientist at American University and adjunct researcher at the RAND Corporation. Her research focuses on marketing and public policy – including issues covering consumer well-being and race in the marketplace. Prior to a career in academia, Dr. John supported US federal agencies as a STEM analyst and data scientist. She holds a PhD from the UCLA Anderson School of Management, a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard University, and a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park.

Audience: Public 

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