BIOE Seminar: High-Throughput 3D Microphysiological Systems

Friday, December 2, 2022
9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
A. James Clark Hall, Room 2121
Shawn He

Shuichi Takayama
Georgia Tech
Professor, GRA Eminent Scholar, Price Gilbert, Jr. Chair in Regenerative Engineering and Medicine

High-Throughput 3D Microphysiological Systems

This event will be offered in a hybrid format. Login details will be sent to current BIOE faculty, affiliates, students, postdocs, and those who have previously asked to subscribe to our seminars listserv. If you do not currently receive our weekly seminars emails but you wish to attend this event, please email


This presentation will describe development of high-throughput (96 and 384 well format) 3D microscale models of the lung, kidney, and breast cancer. The presentation will describe some of the underlying engineering technologies and materials science of the platforms along with accompanying biomedical applications of the technologies.

Specific engineering topics to be discussed include:

1. Scaffold-free 3D spheroid cultures, scaffold-rich organoid models, and a recently
developed method of minimal Matrigel scaffolding approach to production of
geometrically-inverted 3D cell culture models in 384 hanging drop and ultra-low
attachment (ULA) plates.
2. Transwell 96-based air-blood barrier lung model and its use in study of lung infection
and inflammation.
3. Neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) mimetic biomaterials.

Speaker Bio: 

Prof. Shuichi Takayama’s research interests started with bioorganic synthesis at the University of Tokyo and Scripps Research Institute.  Subsequently he pursued postdoctoral studies in bioengineered microsystems at Harvard University as a Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Fellow. He spent 17 years at the University of Michigan in the Biomedical Engineering Department and Macromolecular Science and Engineering Program, then moved to the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory School of Medicine in the summer of 2017. He is an associate editor of Integrative Biology and recipient of the Pioneers of Miniaturization Prize. He is also the Director of the Nakatani RIES Program which promotes international undergraduate student internships between the US and Japan.


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