Bioengineering Special Seminar: Ryan Sochol

Monday, October 26, 2015
12:30 p.m.
Pepco Room (1105), Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building
Alyssa Wolice

Ryan D. Sochol
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
A. James Clark School of Engineering
University of Maryland

Alternative Micro/Nanoscale 3D Printing Methods for Biology

In President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address, he remarked that 3D printing could change “the way we make almost everything.”  Similar to the way in which the transition from vacuum tube technologies to solid-state components transformed the field of electronics, a shift from conventional top-down microfabrication methods (e.g., soft lithography) to emerging bottom-up 3D printing processes could revolutionize diverse biological fields.  In this research seminar, Prof. Ryan D. Sochol will discuss how his Bioinspired Advanced Manufacturing (BAM) Laboratory is using state-of-the-art micro/nanoscale 3D printing technologies – recently installed at the University of Maryland, College Park – to mimic the architectures, length scales, characteristics, and functionalities of biological systems.  In particular, Prof. Sochol will discuss the development of: (i) new platforms for cell mechanobiology via multi-photon direct laser writing (~100-400 nm resolution), and (ii) biomimetic “Kidney-on-a-Chip” living systems via polyjet printing (~16-50 µm resolution).

About the Speaker

Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Maryland, College Park, Dr. Sochol served two primary academic roles: (i) as an NIH Fellow within the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences & Technology, Harvard Medical School, and Brigham & Women’s Hospital, and (ii) as the Director of the Micro Mechanical Methods for Biology (M3B) Laboratory Program within the Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center at the University of California, Berkeley.  Previously, Dr. Sochol majored in Mechanical Engineering, receiving his B.S. from Northwestern University in 2006, and both his M.S. and Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in 2009 and 2011, respectively, with Doctoral Minors in Bioengineering and Public Health.  Thereafter, Dr. Sochol served as a Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Tokyo and as a Postdoctoral Scholar at UC Berkeley.  Over the past several years, Dr. Sochol has advised nearly 100 student researchers from universities including UC Berkeley, Harvard, MIT, Wellesley, and ETH Zurich on projects at the intersection of micro/nanoscale engineering, chemistry, and biology.

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