BIOE Seminar Series: Prabhas Moghe

Friday, April 21, 2017
9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Pepco Room (1105), Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building
Dr. Silvina Matysiak

Prabhas Moghe
Distinguished Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical & Biochemical
Rutgers University

Nanotechnology aimed at the ground zero of atherosclerosis & heart disease

The uncontrolled accumulation of oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDL) within the walls of blood vessels, called atherosclerosis, lies at the core of cardiovascular diseases and causes a staggering toll on adult mortality and rising health care costs. We have been investigating the possibility of engineering nanoscale polymeric biomaterials as anti-atherosclerotic therapeutics for inhibiting cholesterol accumulation and the related inflammation. A generation of unimers whose surface features such as surface anionic density; amphiphilicity; and nanoscale architecture can be systematically varied was designed. We report that assemblies of such nanolipoblockers (NLBs) can systematically block the scavenger receptor molecules that traffic highly oxidized LDL into macrophages and inhibit the resulting atherogenic phenotype. In parallel, a multimodal strategy of depleting cellular cholesterol was examined by using the NLBs as drug delivery carriers in vivo. The NLBs lowered intimal levels of accumulated cholesterol and inhibited macrophage retention relative to non-treated controls. A number of more recent project directions, including studies of molecular mechanisms of action, design of more stable nanoparticle formulations of the NLBs, and emergent pathways for translational medicine will also be highlighted in this talk.

Audience: Public 

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