BIOE Seminar: Recognizing and responding to racial trauma and racial anxiety
Friday, April 20, 2018
9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
A. James Clark Hall, Room 2132
Bill Churma
Dr. Carlton Green
University of Maryland Counseling Center
Recognizing and responding to racial trauma and racial anxiety
College campuses across the country have been experiencing unrest and division related to race, gender, sexual orientation, and religion. In College Park, multiple incidents have occurred, including the murder of Lt. Richard Collins III. Following these events, individuals of all backgrounds might experience a range of reactions including feelings of outrage, sadness, hurt, confusion, silence, and helplessness. Specifically, targeted groups might experience traumatic symptoms, whereas people in dominant social groups might experience anxiety related to addressing the events. Oftentimes, we just don't know what to do. This session will focus on assisting people of difference racial backgrounds identify how they respond to these traumatic occurrences, while identifying ways of caring for their respective communities and themselves.