Bioengineering Seminar Series: John Fisher
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
11:00 a.m.
2108 Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Building
Professor J. Helim Aranda-Espinoza
(301) 405-8250
Biomaterials and Molecular Signaling in Engineered Tissues
Presented by John Fisher
Fischell Department of Bioengineering
University of Maryland
Soluble signaling molecules are significant effectors of cellular functions, directing cell proliferation, quiescence, differentiation, and death. Nevertheless, while the role of signaling molecules has been vigorously examined in normal and pathogenic tissue, there is a lack of knowledge concerning their role in engineered tissues. Currently the fabrication of engineered tissues has focused upon the viability of cell populations within artificial matrices as well as the augmentation of matrix encapsulated cell function by the delivery of exogenous signaling molecules. This presentation plans to build upon this well explored strategy by considering the overall hypothesis the cell encapsulation within synthetic scaffolds alters the expression and transport of endogenous signaling molecules, therefore affecting cell function. To this end, the engineering of specific tissues, including bone, articular cartilage, and skeletal muscle, is discussed and the role of biomaterials in regulating molecular signaling within these engineered tissues is emphasized.