News Story
Culver Part of Winning Nanobiotech Grant Team

Professor James N. Culver.
The Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) and the Maryland Biotechnology Center, Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED) announced the award, one of 12 statewide, on June 4.
The project combines the professors' expertise in micro-electro-mechanical systems and microfabrication (Ghodssi), biology and protein engineering (Culver), and fuel cells and batteries (Wang) to design and develop high-performance, low-cost, portable micro-power sources using a simple and inexpensive biotemplate: the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV).
TMV has a high aspect ratio plant nanostructure which can be genetically modified to include functional groups that facilitate electroless metal deposition and self-assembly onto gold surfaces. This biotemplating process has been integrated with standard micro-machining for the development of micro-fabricated batteries. The result is a fuel cell with surface area nano-structured electrodes.
For More Information:
Visit Dr. Culver's homepage »
Visit Dr. Ghodssi's web site »
Visit Dr. Wang's homepage »
Read the DBED press release »
Published June 18, 2009