News Story
Roy Takes 1st Place in GRID Cell Category

Varnika Roy.
GRID, which is run by the Graduate Student Government, is a campus-wide event in which graduate students from all parts of the university present and discuss their work with faculty and fellow students, enabling them to receive feedback from a broader audience and perfect their conference presentation skills. Participants make oral and poster presentations that are judged in a variety of categories by faculty, postdoctoral fellows, administrators, and other specialists from around campus.
Roy conducts her research in Bentley's Metabolic Engineering Laboratories. Her presentation focused on new ways of combating antibiotic-resistant "super bugs" and pathogenic bacteria strains by inhibiting quorum sensing, the phenomenon of inter- and intra-species communication in bacteria coordinated by their emission of a signaling molecule called AI-2 (autoinducer-2). Once communication is initiated amongst bacteria, they simultaneously alter their genetic response to become increasingly pathogenic and can form structured communities called biofilms. Currently antibiotics are ineffective in destroying bacteria living in thick biofilms. Roy described the use of new kinds of antimicrobials that interrupt communication of a whole population of cells rather than attempt to kill individual bacteria. The specific technique she is exploring uses the bacteria's own quorum sensing tools against themselves. The enzyme LsrK from the bacteria's quorum sensing machinery is delivered outside the bacteria to phosphorylate and degrade the AI-2 molecules.
For More Information:
Visit the Graduate Student Government web site to learn more about GRID »
Published April 24, 2009