News Story
Undergraduate Honors and Awards Recipients, 2007-2008
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TOP PHOTO: Front row, left to right: Gunja Dave, Devang Sharma, Edith Howarth, Bobak Shirmohammadi, and Stephanie Rew. Back row, left to right: Rachel Emmel, Michelle Morgan, Professor and Chair William Bentley, Anthony Awojoodu, Bryan Hofferbert, and James Shee. LOWER PHOTO: Sitting: Professor Adel Shirmohammadi. Standing, left to right: Professor David Ross, Bobak Shirmohammadi, and Mr. Gary Seibel.
This year, the awards and their recipients were:
The ASABE, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers' Student Honor Award: Stephanie N. Rew
Presented by ASABE on the basis of academic achievement, service to the department, student branch participation, and other extracurricular activities.
Stephanie is a senior in Biological Resources Engineering Program. She was recognized for her excellent academic performance, contribution to the department through her work with the student organized departmental activities, and her other extracurricular activities. Her excellent academics have earned her membership in Primannum Honor Society and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Stephanie is a College Park Scholars Alumni –Advocate for Children, President of the BRES student branch, a member of the College Democrats, and a student member of the ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers).
The Washington, D.C.–Maryland Section of ASABE, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers' Scholarship: Bryan V. Hofferbert, James Shee, and Bobak Shirmohammadi
Presented to outstanding students based on academic achievement and contribution to the department and student branch.
Bryan is a junior in Bioengineering Program. He was recognized for his excellent academic performance, contributions to the department through student organized departmental activities, and his extracurricular activities. He was a finalist in this year's IBE (Institute of Biological Engineers) student essay contest and was invited to present his essay at the IBE Annual Conference in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, in March 2008. Bryan is a founding member of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Student Chapter in the Fishell Department of Bioengineering and is an active member of BRES (Biological Resources Engineering Society). He also is a College Park Scholar Alumnus (Citation received Fall 2006).
James is a junior in Bioengineering Program. He was recognized for his excellent academic performance despite the challenge of work, contributions to the department through student organized departmental activities, and his extracurricular activities such as being Ambassador to Okinawa Performances in Washington DC Cherry Blossom Festival. He is an active member of BRES (Biological Resources Engineering) student branch who participates in all branch activities including fundraising. Being a Certified Computer Maintenance person, he is a Webmaster for the BRES student branch. He also helps design and maintains Molecular and Metabolic Engineering laboratory Website in the Fishell Department of Bioengineering. James is a College Park Scholar Alumnus (Citation received Fall 2007).
Bobak is a junior in Bioengineering Program. He was recognized for his excellent academic performance, contributions to the department through student organized departmental activities, and his extracurricular activities such as being Ambassador for the A. James Clark School of Engineering and volunteer at the University’s Health Center. He is a member of the national student chapters of ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers) and BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society) and has attended several national ASABE conferences. He is also an active member of BRES (Biological Resources Engineering) and BMES student chapter, holds the position of Event Chair in BRES, and helps with fundraising activities for BRES. He is co-founder of Wilde Lake High School Ultimate Frisbee Club that is in existence since 2004. Bobak is a College Park Scholar Alumnus (Citation received Fall 2007).
The Robert L. and Frances C. Green Scholarship in the Department of Biological Resources Engineering/Bioengineering: Edith Howarth
Presented to outstanding students based on academic achievement and contributions to the department.
Edith is a junior in Bioengineering Program. She was recognized for her excellent academic performance, contributions to the department though student organized departmental activities, and her extracurricular activities such as being Ambassador for the A. James Clark School of Engineering. Edith has been active member of the BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society) student chapter in the Fishell Department of Bioengineering. She has been in the University of Maryland's Honor Program and on Engineering Dean's List for 5 consecutive semesters. She also has been recipient of several scholarships and recognitions including Robert Byrd's 4 year award, National SMART Grant for females in engineering, UMD Presidential Merit Scholarship, and A. James Clark renewable scholarship.
The Department of Biological Resources Engineering/Fischell Department of Bioengineering Outstanding Junior Award: Anthony Awojoodu and Devang Sharma
Presented by the Chair on the basis of outstanding academic achievement and contributions to the department.
Anthony is junior in Bioengineering Program. He was recognized for his outstanding academic performance, contributions to the department through student organized departmental and campus activities, and his extracurricular activities such as representing University of Maryland in Academic Tech Bowl at the National Society of Black Engineers Fall Regional Conference. He has been in the University of Maryland's Honor and Quest Programs and has placed his name on the Dean’s List since 2006. Anthony has also been recipient of several awards and recognitions including Award of Appreciation for Service to the A. James Clark School of Engineering’s Center for Minority in Science and Engineering (CMSE), Eminent Scholar of the Year Award, Primannum Honor Society, and the 2007 New Resident Assistant of the Year Award. His extensive service for the Black Student Union through different committees is commendable.
Devang is a junior in Bioengineering Program. He was recognized for his outstanding academic performance and representation of the department's positive image through his tireless participation in both research and leadership activities. He is in the University of Maryland's Honors and Gemstone Programs, both of which are very prestigious programs. As a research intern with the FDA's campus institute (Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition—JIFSAN), Devang has prepared a paper to be published in the Journal of Food Protection. As a co-author, he also has contributed to two other research articles that was submitted for publication in the reputable journals. He provides leadership training to youth through training them in tennis and boxing both in his residential community and at UMCP. Devang has been recipient of several wards and recognitions including being on Dean's List since 2006, Dean's Scholarship, A. James Clark School of Engineering Scholarship, and University Scholar Award.
The Department of Biological Resources Engineering/Fischell Department of Bioengineering Outstanding Senior Award: Rachel Emmel
Presented by the faculty on the basis of academic achievement and contributions to the profession and the department.
Rachel is a senior in Biological Resources Engineering Program. She was recognized for her superb academic performance, her contributions to the department through her untiring representation of the department and the B-RES student branch, service to the women in engineering, and her other extracurricular activities. As a member of the Society for Women in Engineering (SWE), she has attended several regional and national conferences and represented us well. She has been the president of SWE since 2006 and in that capacity she has helped to advance the goals of the society well. She has been recipient of many awards and recognitions including being on the Dean’s List for all semesters at UMCP, Society for Women in Engineering Scholarship, ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering) section award, Green Scholarship, and Fishell Department of Bioengineering Outstanding Junior Award. Emmel was accepted to BS/MS degree program in Mechanical Engineering at UMCP.
Clark School Awards
In addition to these departmental awards, three students won Clark School awards for their achievements:
Gunja Dave received the Outstanding ASPIRE Award, presented by Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (MTECH) to the ASPIRE student who has carried out the most successful research project. ASPIRE is a scholars program that introduces undergraduates to the discipline and rewards of industrially-oriented engineering projects. Students perform research under the guidance of an engineering faculty or staff mentor.
Gunja is a junior Bioengineering major. In her Fall 2007 ASPIRE project, she made excellent progress in determining and modeling the mechanisms responsible for instability of neutron's cytoskeleton due to oxidative stress. Her work has major implications for the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Jessica Bermudez received the Center for Minority in Science and Engineering Service Award.
Michelle Morgan received the A. James Clark School of Engineering International Student Award.
You can learn more about these students and their awards in the related story, "Clark School Honors Its Own."
Published April 30, 2008