The Bioengineering Undergraduate Program requires the completion of 9 technical electives (at least 27 credits): 2 foundational courses (6 credits), 4 bioengineering electives (12 credits), 2 biological science electives (6 credits), and 1 breadth elective (3 credits). All electives must be successfully completed (C- or better). Students may wish to select electives in conjunction with a Bioengineering Track within the Undergraduate Program.
Students seeking to count an elective that is not on these lists should submit a BIOE Petition for Waiver to Departmental Policy. If a student obtained prior approval during an advising meeting to take and count an elective not on this list, student should have advisor make note on the BIOE Advising Worksheet.
Please note that only 3 credits of BIOE 399 may be used to fulfill the entire elective requirement. Students are responsible for checking prerequisites (see the BIOE course prerequisites chart).
Electives Overview |
BIOE Foundational Courses can be chosen from the following: BIOE404, BIOE413, BIOE420, BIOE453, BIOE461, and BIOE462. BIOE Foundational I BIOE Foundational II BIOE Electives can be any upper-level BIOE courses that are not already required by the core curriculum or being used to fulfill a BIOE Foundational requirement* BIOE Elective I BIOE Elective II BIOE Elective III BIOE Elective IV See tables below for approved Breadth and Biological Science Electives Breadth Elective Biological Science Elective I Biological Science Elective II *BIOE489H and BIOE389 courses cannot count as BIOE electives. BIOE399 must be approved as an elective via the BIOE399 Independent Study form. |
The breadth elective may include any course from the list below.
- Students are responsible for checking prerequisites and obtaining permissions for non-BIOE courses with restrictions. Other departments, including those in Engineering, typically have a process for non-majors to request seats in courses or may maintain a hold file, so please inquire with the specific department. Permissions for non-BIOE courses cannot be guaranteed; students should plan accordingly. BIOE120 & BIOE121 can often count in place of BSCI170 & BSCI171 as a prerequisite.
- Any course that is listed as a breadth elective on the tracks page can also be used as a breadth elective on the Bioengineering Studies Track.
Breadth Electives |
Any 3xx or 4xx Engr. dept. course. This includes BIOE courses, as well as other departmental upper-level courses if available.2 BSCI222 Principles of Genetics1 BSCI223 General Microbiology CHEM241 Organic Chemistry II CHEM271/2 General Chemistry and Energetics/General Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratory BCHM463 Biochemistry of Physiology CMSC132 Object-Oriented Programming II MATH463 Complex Variables for Scientists and Engineers MATH464 Transform Methods for Scientists and Engineers 1. HLSC322 can stand in place of BSCI222 as a breadth or lower level biosci elective. 2. ENES courses are not included, except for ENES401, ENES489A, ENES498E, ENES489P, and ENES499. Requests for seats in non-BIOE engineering departmental courses can be directed to the contact points listed here. |
The biological science electives must adhere to the following policies:
- The elective must be chosen from the biological science elective list posted below.
- All biological science electives must be at the 200-level or above.
- At least one course (3 credits) must be at the 300-level or above.
- Students are responsible for checking prerequisites and obtaining permissions for non-BIOE courses with restrictions. Other departments, including those in Engineering, typically have a process for non-majors to request seats in courses or may maintain a hold file, so please inquire with the specific department. Permissions for non-BIOE courses cannot be guaranteed; students should plan accordingly. BIOE120 & BIOE121 can often count in place of BSCI170 & BSCI171 as a prerequisite.
Biological Science Electives |
BSCI202 Human Anatomy and Physiology II BSCI222 Principles of Genetics1 BSCI223 General Microbiology BSCI3383 Special Topics in Biology BSCI343 Cellular Mechanisms of Aging and Disease BSCI353 Principles of Neuroscience BSCI370 Principles of Evolution BSCI374 Mathematical Modeling in Biology (previous course code BSCI474) BSCI404 Cell Biology from a Biophysical Perspective BSCI410 Molecular Genetics BSCI411 Bioinformatics and Integrated Genomics BSCI412 Microbial Genetics BSCI414 Recombinant DNA Laboratory BSCI416 Human Genetics BSCI417 Microbial Pathogenesis BSCI420 Cell Biology Lectures BSCI421 Cell Biology BSCI422 Principles of Immunology BSCI424 Pathogenic Microbiology BSCI430 Developmental Biology BSCI433 Biology of Cancer BSCI435 Quantitative and Computational Biosciences BSCI436 RNA Biology and Therpeutics BSCI437 General Virology BSCI446 Neural Systems BSCI447 General Endocrinology BSCI471 Molecular Evolution BCHM461 Biochemistry I BCHM463 Biochemistry of Physiology CHEM241 Organic Chemistry II CHEM271/272 General Chemistry and Energetics/General Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratory ENST499G Water Resources and Ecosystem (ENST Special Topics) KNES360 Physiology of Exercise KNES370 Motor Development NEUR306 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience 1. HLSC322 can stand in place of BSCI222 as a breadth or lower level biosci elective. 3. Upon department approval; see elective approval request form here. |