Model Analysis Laboratory

The Model Analysis Laboratory researches spatial analysis and control of active and passive biological agents in dynamic, intensive and extensive, heterogeneous bioenvironments. Analytical and numerical computational devices are developed within deterministic and stochastic frameworks, coupled with artificial intelligence tools and integrated into multi-dimensional spatial databases to form Decision Support Systems (DSS) aimed at designing strategies for analyzing and controlling the dynamics of nutrients, drugs, toxins and active bioagents from the scale of individual cells through tissues and organs to urban landscapes, watersheds and broad geographical regions. Current projects in biomedical, bioenvironmental and ecological engineering areas include: estimation of in-vivo cellular transport parameters by inverse modeling; multi-continuum and stochastic modeling of wetland function; spatial control of Canada Goose in the Washington DC region; development and application of embedded LISP-based microncontrolled devices for smart biomonitoring and control.
