Press Release
Clark School's Engineering Sustainability Workshop to Focus on Solar Energy
Industry, Government, Academic Leaders Present Latest Advances
MEDIA ADVISORY April 23, 2012
Melissa Corley
301 405 6501

WHAT: Opportunity to gain latest knowledge, ask questions concerning issues of strong public interest.
Our goal: Engage participants in discussions on issues of solar energy research and applications, energy financing, solar energy trends and advances, and student initiatives here and abroad.
Events include:
* Ramamoorthy Ramesh, SunShot Initiative Director at the U.S. Department of Energy, will deliver the keynote address.
* Special morning presentations by Jackson Yang, Maryland's 2011 Clean Energy Entrepreneur of the Year and CEO of ATR Solartech; James Ivany, president, Bechtel Renewable Power; Susan Corry, manager of energy projects and conservation, UMD; and UMD's Solar Decathlon and Engineers Without Borders student teams.
* Attendees will be able to tour displays featuring faculty and student work and programs of local energy-focused organizations.
* The afternoon will feature brief overviews of the work of Clark School, university and local researchers, providing quick snapshots of the latest solar energy ideas.
WHO: Clark School faculty members and students, and interested faculty members and students from other University of Maryland schools, along with guest speakers and attendees from government and industry.
WHEN: Thursday, April 26, 2012
9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Detailed agenda:
WHERE: Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building (please call ahead for parking information)
A. James Clark School of Engineering
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
The workshop also will be webcast online. Please see the agenda online for the webcast schedule and links: