A convergence of advanced optics, microfabrication, and bionanotechnology is redefining medical care in the United States. Fischell Department of Bioengineering researchers – along with researchers from the Robert E. Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices – are working to transform basic research into medical devices that can be brought to market to advance human health. BIOE researchers are leading development of new point-of-care biotechnologies that address global health care challenges in cancer and infectious disease. 

The Robert E. Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices

The Fischell Institute drives innovation by immersing creative and energetic scientists and engineers in a nurturing and rewarding research environment where engineered health systems are conceived of and investigated. The Institute is comprised of staff, resources, facilities, and a “network of experts” who facilitate not only prototyping and manufacturing expertise, but who also facilitate venture creation, intellectual property creation, and product passage through various clinical, regulatory and reimbursement hurdles.

Explore the Fischell Institute


William E. Bentley

Robert E. Fischell Distinguished Professor
301-405-4321 | bentley@umd.edu

Catherine K. Kuo

Associate Chair of Research
(301) 405-3439 | ckk@umd.edu

Xiaoming (Shawn) He

301-405-7946 | shawnhe@umd.edu

Jenna Mueller

Assistant Professor
(301) 405-4191 | mueller7@umd.edu

Giuliano Scarcelli

Associate Professor
301-314-1689 | scarc@umd.edu

Ian White

Associate Chair and Director of Undergraduate Studies
301-405-6230 | ianwhite@umd.edu

Li-Qun Zhang

301-405-1391 | zhangl@umd.edu