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Principal Investigator
Huang Chiao (Joe) Huang, Ph.D. (hchuang@umd.edu)
Huang Chiao Huang is an Assistant Professor in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering at the University of Maryland. He is also the Newsletter Editor for International Photodynamic Association and American Society for Photobiology. Dr. Huang attended graduate school at the Arizona State University and completed his Ph.D. training in Chemical Engineering with Professor Kaushal Rege in 2012. He then joined the Wellman Center for Photomedicine (MGH/Harvard Medical School, Boston) as a Postdoctoral Fellow to begin photodynamic therapy (PDT) research with Professor Tayyaba Hasan. In January 2018, Huang Chiao established his lab at the University of Maryland. His research focuses on the development and clinical translation of photochemistry-based platform technology for treatment and diagnosis of disease, optical sensing, and tissue engineering. Huang Chiao’s research efforts have been recognized by several awards such as the Tosteson & Fund for Medical Discovery Fellowship and the NIH Pathway to Independence Award.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Yan Baglo, Ph.D. (ybaglo@umd.edu)
Yan Baglo received her Ph.D. in Molecular Medicine from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Trondheim) in 2014. Her Ph.D. research focused on photodynamic therapy and photochemical internalization in bladder cancer and was supported by Central Norway Regional Health Authority since 2011. In 2015, Dr. Baglo further secured a two-year Postdoc Research Fellowship from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at NTNU and joined Professor Tayyaba Hasan’s laboratory as a research fellow at Wellman Center for Photomedicine (MGH/Harvard Medical School, Boston). Her research involved in imaging-based combination strategies for optimal photodynamic therapy in cancers, and nanotechnology-enabled photosensitizer delivery. Dr. Baglo continued her postdoctoral training at Wellman under mentorship of Assistant Professor Tianhong Dai, conducting antimicrobial blue light research, prior to joining UMD in 2018.
Doctoral Candidates
Collin Inglut, B.S. (cinglut@terpmail.umd.edu)
Collin Inglut received a BS in Biomedical Engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2017. During his 5-year undergraduate program, he completed a co-op at Zimmer Biomet, studying the biochemical regeneration of stored erythrocytes. His current research focuses on developing nanotechnology platforms that leverage photodynamic therapy to target the blood-brain barrier and treat glioblastoma. Outside of lab, Collin is a coffee enthusiast, working towards crafting the perfect shot of espresso, and is an avid lover of wine, studying to become a certified sommelier.
Barry Liang, B.S. (bliang@umd.edu)
Barry Liang received his B.S. in Biochemistry from St. Mary's College of Maryland (St. Mary's City, MD) in 2017. His undergraduate research focused on inorganic silver nanowire synthesis for photovoltaic applications and poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) nanoparticles synthesis for cancer therapeutic delivery. Currently, his research focuses on applications of immunotherapy and nanotechnology to photodynamic therapy for combination treatments. Outside of research, Barry enjoys basketball and is an aspiring amateur cook.
Undergraduate Researchers
Yahya Cheema is a second-year bioengineering undergraduate student pursuing his B.S. in Bioengineering from the University of Maryland, College Park. He is a member of a Gemstone undergraduate research team focused on refining the process of printing biomaterials, as well as tissue composition to improve the efficacy of vascularization in 3D printed tissue.
Swapna Vaja (swapna.vaja@gmail.com)
Swapna Vaja is a first year undergraduate student pursuing his B.S. in Neurobiology and Physiology from the University of Maryland, College Park. His research interests focus on photodynamic priming and extracellular vesicles for drug delivery. Swapna hopes to eventually matriculate into medical school to obtain his M.D.
Jillian Stabile (StabileJillian@gmail.com)
Jillian Stabile is a third-year undergraduate pursuing her B.S. in bioengineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. Jillian hopes to attend medical school after completing her undergraduate degree. Her research interests include improving drug delivery methods related to cancer treatment.
Dan Najafali (najafalid@gmail.com)
Daniel Najafali is a fourth-year undergraduate student seeking a B.S. in bioengineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. Daniel aspires to attend medical school and pursue an MD-PhD after completion of his undergraduate degree. His research interests focus on transporter-mediated efflux of photosensitizers within cancer cells.