Stroka, Kimberly
B.S., Physics, Denison University (2006)
Ph.D., Bioengineering, University of Maryland, College Park (2011)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University (2012-2014)
2022. Winston Honors Faculty Award
2021. NIH/NIGMS Maximizing Investigator’s Research Award
2020. E. Robert Kent Teaching Award for Junior Faculty (Clark School of Engineering)
2020. Philip Merrill Presidential Scholars Faculty Mentor Award
2020. NSF CAREER Award
2019. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Young Innovator
2019. Faculty Teaching Award, UMD Fischell Department of Bioengineering
2018. Faculty Teaching Award, UMD Fischell Department of Bioengineering
2017. Outstanding Young Scientist Award, Maryland Academy of Sciences
2017. Research and Scholarship Award, UMD Graduate School
2016. Outstanding Graduate Alumni Award, UMD Fischell Department of Bioengineering
2014. Burroughs Wellcome Career Award at the Scientific Interface
2014. Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award, Biomedical Engineering Society
2014. Cell paper selected to Faculty1000Prime
2014. Johns Hopkins University Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Postdoctoral Fellow Award for Excellence
2013. NIH NRSA F32 Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Cancer Institute, 4th percentile
2013. Journal of Cell Biology paper selected to Faculty1000Prime
2013. Selected for Distinguished Young Scholars Seminar Series, University of Washington Chemical Engineering Department (1 of 8 nationwide)
2012. NIH NRSA T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship for NanoTechnology in Cancer Medicine
2010. NIH NRSA F31 Predoctoral Fellowship, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
2006. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2006. President’s Medal, Denison University, (1 of 5 selected by University President)
2006. Phi Beta Kappa, Academic Honors Society
2005. Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
2004. Anderson Science Scholarship, Full Tuition, Denison University (1 recipient per year)
2004. Sigma Pi Sigma, Physics Honors Society
2004. Pi Mu Epsilon, Mathematics Honors Society
2002. University Scholarship, ¾ Tuition, Denison University
Quantitative cell mechanobiology; biomechanics; microfluidic devices for modeling physiological systems; nano/microtechnology; live cell imaging
The Cell and Microenvironment Engineering Lab is focused on understanding the interplay between mechanical and biochemical cues from the cellular microenvironment on cellular behavior during normal homeostasis, progression of diseases, and therapeutic treatments. We engineer cells and their microenvironment in order to create model systems that allow us to systematically understand fundamental aspects of cell and tissue mechanobiology, with the long-term goals of advancing scientific knowledge and directing new therapeutic strategies for diseases.
BIOE404 - Biomechanics
BIOE413 - Stem Cell Engineering
BIOE613 - Advanced Stem Cell Engineering
BIOE489H - Bioengineering Honors Seminar
See Google Scholar Profile for current list of publications.